...we are still here. Monsieur arrived two days ago, I am busy, busy, busy with work, Miss Sunshine is busy, busy, busy just being Miss Sunshine and being with dad. And mom. The whole family is united. Almost. Xena la blonde isn't here. She's outside Paris. We thought about giving her all the necessary vaccine way too late, otherwise she would have been here with us since May. Hey, you can't win them all.
Sister-in-law left Saturday. She was here for 4 weeks and it was great. She got to see a lot of southern Sweden - Malmö, Stockholm, Fåsjöhyttan (yes, that's were my uncle lives, in Bergslagen, and it's beauuuutiful) and Falkenberg. Important places that should be seen, especially, or only, in the summer. She was lucky, she had two weeks of brilliant weather. 30 degrees Celsius, no wind, only blue skies. And then autumn came back... Well, as a Swede, born and raised, you're kind of used to it. It sucks, but you're not surprised. Not at all. It's Swedish "summer". But as a non-Swede, non-Scandi, non-Brit, it must be pretty tough to live here all year long. First you have winter, then spring arrives for a moment, actually quite a long moment, then summer blinks and winks to you, and then autumn arrives. Here in the south autumn is loooong, winter very short, spring long, and summer as described above.
And now I have spoken too much about nothing and really have to go back to my movie. Just wanted to say hi! if there is someone actually reading this blog. Otherwise I say hi! to my invisible friends and guardian angels.
*The two photos are taken in the same one or two week period... From summer to autumn and back again...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hey! We're still here! And we haven't forgotten about our blog, but time has been short and we've been away and Monsieur isn't here and...and...and... ;-) Well, here are some nice photos from our trip to Stockholm. My lovely sister-in-law is here, helping me out with Miss Sunshine, and summer is here as well. 25 degrees every day. Not bad, not bad at all. But we are missing Monsieur a lot. :-(
On our way to Stockholm we stopped for a *- - -* and had a banana next to a home for old people and next to a small river. Nice. My dear friend O took the picture. It was a long trip and I was 40 minutes late for my meeting in central Stockholm, but we arrived safe and sound. Or almost - the car was damaged: a stone flew up from the road and hit the windscreen, which had to be changed.
Saturday we went to Lycé Francais in Stockholm. My best friend Mulle's daughter attend that school and they had a happening. There was, of course, a huge playground that Miss Sunshine had to try out.
And talking about playgrounds, next to the library in Stockholm there is a really nice playground with tricycles you can borrow.
The very last day in Stockholm we found a sightseeing boat with reasonable prices. One hour 120 SEK for all three of us.
We had a great stay in Stockholm, but hey, it is good to be home again. :-)
We had a great stay in Stockholm, but hey, it is good to be home again. :-)
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