Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Love - Amour

Miss Sunshine loves many things. She loves us, her mum and dad. Or at least we think so. On second place comes Doudou. That's the blue thingy she sleeps with. It has been there since day one. It smells and will be washed as soon as we are somewhere were there is a tumble-drier. Miss Sunshine can't sleep without her Doudou... I know, it's bad, but what can you do. We will deal with that problem later. Not know. She is only 15 months for goodness' sake! On third place come Lollo la leonesse and Vovven (The Dog).

She also loves food. That's good. We like kids who love food. Two favourites are parmesan cheese and strawberries. And mango and pineapple. And youghurt. And fish. And... And... She loves everything except red pepper and cinnamon. Then she loves to be outside and explore. That's also a very good thing. She is not too keen to be too long at the beach though. 20 minutes, then she leaves. Like parents, like daughter...

And then, and there is The Green Vest, her green down vest. She refuses to leave home without it if she spots it on her way out. It has been like that since the day they met, the green vest and Miss Sunshine. Instant love, at least for Miss Sunshine. I haven't really thought about it...until now. The last two days it has been 25 degrees Celcius outside!!! Not really a day when one needs a down vest. But here's the proof:

I know that there is water here in this thing...
A log! Great! I sit here and chill out for two seconds
before I continue exploring the terrain.

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