We were so lucky with the quality of snow - it was like in January. We had four days with sun and two with snow and fog. We lived in a cute little chalet in the Manchet Valley. Miss Sunshine loved hanging out with her aunt, but sledging was nothing for her this time. Funny how kids change their mind. During X-mas in Bormio, Italy, she just loved it, now she hated it. We'll see what happens next time. Oh, next time she will try skiing. :-) Tonton Yannick did it and loved it. I am happy and proud to have been the one who showed him how to do it. It isn't easy to teach skiing if you're not a ski teacher... But with an excellent student like Y it went quite smooth. Well, then he had a real ski teacher the third day who helped him a little bit more, but his first steps in the nursery slopes were supervised by yours truly.
No, mum! I don't wanna do this!!!
Now we are back, and Valencia greeted us with sun, then grey skies and cold, then sun, and now rain. During our morning walk we were totally surprised by the rain and had to hide out for a few minutes under the protecting arms of a tree. Since I'm never really organized, I didn't have the rainprotection for the push chair with me. The world try to tell me to bring it - grey skies, wet pavement, no blue sky as far as anyone could see - but I ignored all warnings signs and left with a big smile on my face. You know, it smells lovely when it has rained and it is like summer warm. It's like an explosion of different scents. Mmmm. And that continues even when it's raining cats and dogs. Curious expression, actually. Have to try to find out where it comes from. But maybe not - curiosity killed the cat... ;-)
Well, better go back to that Danish movie I'm translating right now. Miss Sunshine sleeps so it is nice and quiet.
I never heard about this expression! (raining cats and dogs)but in Brittany we say, a weather has not to put a dog outside,(expression Quebecoise).
And what is it in French, the expression you mention? Does it mean that it is raining a lot? Curious, you know... :-)
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