Aubergine, or egg-plant, is a vegetable to which I have a hate and love relationship. It is difficult to find a way to cook it so that you actually enjoy eating it. But it is perfect for
ratatouille, and today I did my first ratatouille ever. One could think that I had made it before since I am living with a French guy, but no. Today, however, I had to. Monsieur had bought an aubergine like ages ago, and before it ran on its own to the dustbin I had to save it. So I made a ratatouille.
By the way, the movie Ratatouille is one hell of a good movie. See it, if you haven't already. Ratatouille, the dish, is ridiculously easy to make. Chop aubergine, onion, red pepper (which I excluded today since I didn't have any), courgette and garlic. Let it all fry in a big pot with olive oil. A lot of olive oil! Add salt, pepper and
herbes de Provence. Add two cans of crushed tomatoes and let it boil for about 10-15 minutes. Voilà! Your ratatouille is ready to serve. We had pasta with it today. It was yummy.
La pétite, miss Sunshine, est une vraie soleil. La vitesse avec quelle elle grandisse est impressionente. Elle court maintenant et elle parle des qu'elle se reveille jusq'a qu'elle se couche le soir. Elle est trop rigolotte! Aujourd'hui on a était sur la plage. Elle a joué avec l'eau et la sable, mais soudain elle en avait marre. Elle essayait de nous dire - elle essayait de prendre la poussette - mais on avait rien compris. Donc elle est partie. Toute seule. Sans la poussette, bien sur, mais elle est partie. On était bien obligés de la suivre. Elle sait de ce qu'elle veut, elle. C'est super. :-)
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